Thursday, February 23, 2012

Daniel's Homecoming

This is actually copy and pasted from a journal entry I wrote the month that Daniel came home:) It is long but  it explains the day he came home in perfect detail! I am so glad that I wrote this down because it helps me remember those details of that crazy, amazing, blur of a day!


Daniel and I met in high school because we were in the same Algebra 2 class. He was a junior and I was a sophomore.  During that year we became friends and he told me that he was going to take me out on a date once I turned sixteen.  My birthday wasn't until the summer, so in July he took me out on one of my very first dates.  I had never pictured anything between us, but once he brought me home I knew that I had never felt anything so special and different than I did with Daniel. So long story short we pretty much had the perfect high school romance and we were dating even after he had graduated high school.  We were inseparable and spent all the time that we could with each other.  The day Daniel left was the same day that I left for the dorms at BYU.  Honestly I wasn't sure where me and Daniel would be after his mission before he left but about twenty minutes after we said goodbye, I knew Daniel was the man of my dreams and I didn't want anybody else but him.  I endured all of the waiter haters, the people who doubt, the people who don't believe you will make it, and the people who tell you that you are wasting your life away for someone who will be changed in the next two years and will most likely want someone other than you.  But girls, it is worth the wait and Daniel made waiting so easy.  Not fun... just easy.  We wrote every week and it is funny because Daniel always knew the things I needed to hear in letters.  Our communication now is better than ever and I think that it is because of the mission.

Flash Forward 8 19 2010
Well the night before I didn’t sleep one wink.  It was seriously worse than the night before Christmas when Santa comes.  I decided to just get up around 6 and I went to Daniels favorite bakery to get him some donuts.  (To answer him to our first dance I told him a dozen reasons why I said yes and for him coming home I gave him a dozen reasons why I waited—see pics) then I went to get my car washed and vacuumed.   I went to his parents’ house around nine to hang signs and blow up balloons.  We had 144 red balloons all around his neighborhood. My roommates flew in to see me and help me get ready. They also came with me to the airport to take pictures.  We got a Sonic (drink) before we left and then we were off to the airport.  LONGEST half an hour of my life! Then we start to see missionaries coming down the stairs—one at a time.  My heart was pounding out of my chest.  I couldn’t wait to see my man again.   I hope this doesn’t offend anyone but me and Daniel had prearranged to hug at the airport because I don’t think I could have given him just a handshake and it was Daniel’s idea anyways. 
So the second missionary to come down the stairs was Daniel! I started to cry and I can’t even explain really what it felt like other than it was wonderful just to see him again in person.  He hugged his family first and I literally froze up.  I was shaking so his brother put his arm around me as we walked up to Daniel and after he hugged Daniel it was my turn.  I threw my arms around his neck and held on for dear life.  He whispered in my ear I love you baby and we didn’t let go.  
After we hugged a bit more at the airport and we drove to get him released together with his parents.   His stake president had some pretty amazing things to say and I am very happy that he let me sit in.  

Once we went back to Daniel's house there were tons of friends and family around to visit!  Daniel looked so happy to be home.  I was so happy he was home and I couldn't take my eyes off of him.  I was afraid if I turned away he might just disappear!! I think that I had perma smile all night!:) He drove me home that night and I knew there was nothing that had changed about him! Such a wonderful day that I will always love and cherish.

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